Multimedia Resources

With the development of modern technology, traditional oratory practices have evolved into many forms of “Digital Storytelling” including documentaries, 4D video-scapes and tutorials. Te Hapu o Ngāti Wheke have created many resources to engage, inform and connect whānau to the History, Values and Cultural practices of Ngāti Wheke.

Te Rāpaki o Te Rakiwhakaputa – 3D Tour.

This video takes you, the viewer, on a guided 3D tour around and throughout our Marae.
Simply click on the screen and drag the mouse to get a 360-degree viewpoint from our Maunga and throughout the Wharenui.

Stage one of a digital project to show our Pou in our whare tipuna, Wheke.

Whānau-led kaupapa empowering whānau to create their own māra kai.

Kōrero Whakahou – Building a traditional waka out of modern materials.

Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho ō Whakaraupō is brought to you by Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke with support from the Canterbury Museum and the Ministry of Culture and Heritage.

Waka Huia 2007 – He kōrero mo Pita Tauwhare

Rongorau : Multimedia