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Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke Inc SGM

October 9, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Notice of Special General Meeting: Update of THONW Inc and TPOT Ltd Constitutions 10am Sunday 13th October

SGM to be held 10am October 13th prior to the regular Rūnanga meeting to vote on adoption of updated constitutions for THONW Inc and Te Poho o Tamatea Ltd.  The resolutions to be voted on are:

  • That the updated THONW Inc constitution be adopted
  • That the updated TPOT Ltd constitution be adopted

Final drafts of THONW Inc (including footnotes) and TPOT Ltd constitutions are available from the Office.

THONW Inc Constitution: The only change to the THONW Inc constitution since the version circulated 5 September has been made following discussion at the 8 September Rūnanga meeting. The proposed change is to clause 4, combining the categories of Associate and Honorary Members and having them all called Associate Members.

Once an updated constitution for THONW Inc is adopted, all those joining after that date will need to apply to be members. To avoid the need for whakapapa member spouses having to register as associate members after the adoption of the constitution, please provide the names of spouses who wish to be recognised as associate members to the Office by 25 September.

TPOT Ltd Constitution: The redrafted TPOT Limited constitution redraft was prepared by Chris Ford from OTRONT and is based on other Runanga charitable company constitutions. It is much simpler and more user-friendly than the current constitution.


October 9, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm