Whaka Ora Healthy Harbour

Whaka Ora Healthy Harbour partner representatives at their September 2022 hui overseeing the handover of the Whaka Ora korowai from Christchurch City Council to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.  The Whaka Ora Catchment Plan enables the Whakaraupō communities to weave a korowai that will protect and support this special place to thrive and grow in the future.

“The Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour plan sets a way forward for the community to ensure the ecological and cultural health of Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour as mahinga kai is restored for us and our children after us.”
Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour Website.

For more info visit: healthyharbour.org.nz

Image L-R Trudy Heath (Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu), Andrew Turner (Christchurch City Council), Yvette Couch-Lewis (Te Hapū Ngāti Wheke), Kirstie Gardener (Lyttelton Port Company), Lan Pham (Environment Canterbury)