The Rūnanga 

Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke Inc (the ‘Rūnanga’) is the modern-day representative legal structure of Ngāti Wheke and has over 9,000 whānau members. Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke Inc is one of the 18 Papatipu Rūnanga that make up Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the iwi authority representing Ngāi Tahu whānui.

The Executive members are:
Mishele Radford (Chair)
Gail Gordon (Te Rūnanga Rep)
Rueben Radford (Te Rūnanga Alternate)
Roy Tikao (Secretary)
Karen Timihou (Treasurer)

The Rūnanga has a strategic plan in place that guides the mahi undertaken by staff, committees and other kaimahi who guide projects and initiatives.  Rūnanga meetings are normally at 10am on the second Sunday or each month (no meeting in June or January).


Te Poho o Tamatea Ltd is a charitable company responsible for managing investments on behalf of its sole shareholder, Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke Inc. Te Poho o Tamatea Ltd works to preserve and grow these funds and to provide money for charitable distribution.

The directors are:
David Tikao (Chair)
Pani Zaitsev
Gail Gordon
Roy Tikao


The Rāpaki Reserves Trustees are the owners of a number of properties within the Rāpaki Reserve including: the marae, the school, the church, the playground, and the urupā. The trustees work closely with the Rūnanga to ensure all these properties are well maintained and developed.

The current trustees are:
Margaret Fahey-Herewini
Matea Gillies
Reihana Parata
Mishele Radford
Catherine Stuart
Luana Swindells

Kahu Philips and Nik Randle have been elected as trustees to replace Matea Gillies and Pat Hutana but not their appointment is awaiting confirmation from Te Ture Whenua Māori


The Executive report to Ngāti Wheke whānui at monthly rūnanga meetings held in the wharenui (and online), traditionally on the second Sunday of the month.

Check the calendar and online pānui for dates and to receive documentation in advance.

The info graph visualises the organisational structure of the hapū and how it is connected.


Hapū Legal Entities, Meetings and Reports